Below is a select list of demonstrations related to the SeeMore Project. A set of more than 40 videos is available on our YouTube Channel.
First Demo of Servo Moving in Response to Raspberry Pi
First Live Demo of Lil’ SeeMore 2014 (Virginia Tech) produced by SeeMore team
(20K+ views, 20 subscribers)
Lil’ SeeMore Video Submission to SIGGRAPH 2014
SeeMore Demo from IMF 2014, SXSW 2016, USA SEF 2016
(1 min video short – demo + voice over only)
(2 min video long – live shots + demo + voice over)
SeeMore SIGGRAPH 2014 Vancouver-Interface produced by SeeMore team (33 views)
SeeMore NYC-Interface at World’s Maker Faire 2015 (New York City) produced by SeeMore team
SeeMore “Making of” Video produced by Virginia Tech (Short ~3 min)
(3.2K views, 5.5K subscribers, VT)
(1.5K views, reflected, VidMoon)
(1.5K views, reflected, Vimeo)
SeeMore videography produced by SIGGRAPH 2014 (Vancouver, B.C.)
(2.2K views, 24K subscribers)
SeeMore at SIGGRAPH 2014 (Vancouver, B.C)
(319 views, 121 subscribers, CS@VT)
SeeMore at World’s Maker Faire 2015 (New York City) produced by SeeMore team
(2.9K views, 5.1K subscribers)
SeeMore Assembly and Install at SXSW 2016 produced by SeeMore team
(1.5K views, 9 subscribers)
SeeMore at the NSF Booth at the USA SEF 2016 (produced by SeeMore team)
Video 1
Video 2
Sample exhibit videos from third party bloggers:
(2.9K views, 5.1K subscribers, IMF 2015)
(1.5K views, 169 subscribers, IMF 2015)